
Rules & Statutes

Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure.

Rules Forum maintained by the Supreme Court of Arizona. This Forum is where all Petitions to change Rules are filed and made public and all responses can be uploaded and filed.   When the Supreme Court makes a final determination and changes Rules, the Orders revising Rules are posted here.

Arizona Revised Statutes Title 25, Arizona Revised Statutes (containing family law and dissolution provisions).   You can find the rest of the statutes here.

Arizona Attorney Ethics Rules    The State Bar’s resource for ERs.

Parenting Resources

Parenting Time Plans.    These Model Parenting Plans (now called “Planning for Parenting Time:  Guide for Parents Living Apart”) were created by a Supreme Court Committee, updated in 2009, and are now under review for updates in 2025.    The plans recognize the different needs of children at various ages and stages of development. These plans should be reviewed by ALL divorcing or never-married couples with children.

BIFF for Coparent Communication.   A book designed to help parents engage in better coparenting through effective, less conflictual emails that are Brief, Informative, Friendly, and Firm.

Substance Use and Parenting-Best Practices for Family Court Practitioners, 2021

Toward a Child-Centered Approach to Evaluating Claims of Alienation in High Conflict Custody Disputes (Michigan Law Review, 2014)

Forbes magazine did a series of articles on divorce, including “How to Succeed Financially During and After a Divorce” which has good general advice on what to consider when embarking on a divorce.

Coparenting Communication Guide (2012 9 13)  This is AzAFCC’s 2011 summit project report, offering suggestions for effective communication between separated parents.

Parent classes conducted by Child Crisis Arizona (virtual sessions)

Co-Parenting Guide – Texas   This is a Guide prepared by the State of Texas which defines and describes co-parenting and helps parents to to learn to co-parent.   It gives suggestions for keeping conflict out of the child’s life and describes how the conflict can affect children at different developmental stages.

Covenant Marriage What is a Covenant Marriage?

Arizona AFCC 2011 Summit Report (that led to the above Coparenting Communication Guide).  This Summit Report also includes the Addendums like Email Instructions and specific language to put in Court Orders.

Education Orders.   These orders are entered with final parenting time orders and will be provided to schools so the schools are aware of the parents’ agreements or court orders regarding parenting time and decision-making.

Parent Information Class.   Children in Between Online (a class approved for credit with Maricopa County Superior Court.

Domestic Abuse and Addiction:   a guide from

Child Support Resources

Arizona Child Support Guidelines. You may view the revised Child Support Guidelines, the Schedule of Basic Support Obligations and the Summary of Revision. This is the version updated in 2022 which is the most current version.    The Child Support Calculator provided by the Arizona Supreme Court is found here.

Support Guidelines is  a comprehensive resource for the interpretation and application of child support guidelines in the United States, originally created by Laura Morgan who now acts as a consultant in the area of support and other family law related matters.  While not updated recently, it still can be a source of historical child support related decisions.

Courts & Associations

Pima County Superior Court

Maricopa County Superior Court

Maricopa County Superior Court Self-Service Center (Law Library Resource Center).    Includes forms for many types of family law Superior Court filings.

Arizona Judicial Branch is a gateway to access to Court of Appeals, Supreme Court, and Arizona court family services of all kinds.

Clerk of Superior Court, Maricopa County

Association of Family & Conciliation Courts (AFCC) The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, an international and interdisciplinary association dedicated to the constructive resolution of family disputes.

Arizona Chapter AFCC.   The Arizona Chapter of AFCC sponsors the annual conference in Sedona and locally supports the work and mission of AFCC

Arizona Legislative Information Service (ALIS) This site has access to all Arizona statutes and bills pending in the Arizona Legislature, plus information about the legislative process

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges “Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases”, 2008 report

Arizona Judicial Department-Arizona Child Support Calculator Calculate your child support obligation online using the Guidelines.

Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners    This Board regulates  professionals in the fields of Social Work, Professional Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Substance Abuse Counseling.

Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners   This Board regulates psychologists in Arizona.

Arizona Psychological  Association (AzPA)    AzPA also maintains a Roster of professionals who are familiar with family court and forensic work.

Divorce Net General divorce resources, nationwide.

State Bar of Arizona  General information from the Bar for lawyers and the public.

Certified Specialists. What they are and how to find one, in family law and other specialized areas, from the State Bar of Arizona.

Traveling with a Minor Child.  A consent to specific travel out of the country is located here.  This form can also be used for travel in the United States.

Information from the U.S. State Department about how to apply for a passport with only one parent in attendance is located here.

The Modern Family Court Judge:  Knowledge, Qualities and Skills for Success.    A resource paper prepared by the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS), endorsed by AFCC.


